Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The beginning of it all!

Well I have finally made it! Yesterday afternoon at around 230, I arrived in Monterrey and was excitingly welcomed by Rick & Lisa. Both flights were good. No issues with luggage or customs or anything for that matter, so praise God for making that day run so smoothly! :) I have been blessed in so many ways already just by arriving. I am staying now with Rick and Lisa instead of Nancy, because a few reasons. Nothing serious, but I was told that things will be easier and run smoother if I am living here so I have been blessed with an awesome family to stay with and a room way bigger than I ever need. I have also been already blessed with some new friends, who are some awesome people after God, and I cannot wait to get to know them more and more!
Today was an...interesting, different, and worryful day. Interesting how this happened on my first day. When we arrived at the orphanage, I got to see all the kids from last year, and it was so exciting. Not too long into our time there, we are told that one of the boys (the one who I became closest with during my time last year) actually ran away the night before. So that was quite the twist on the day. Luckily tonight we did find out that he has returned back to orphanage tonight. We are not aware of what lead him to do this, but we know that this is not in his character to do such a thing so it must be something quite upsetting. I believe the best prayer for him right now would be that, he is shown nothing but love from this day forward and no more harm is done from this situation. He is such an amazing young man and it saddens me to think that something like this occured. So please pray for him.
If you could also keep the orphanage itself in your prayers. It seems very broad and I am sorry for that, but if you could pray for direction in the orphanage and that the real dream for this incredible home may become a reality!

Thanks for all your prayers and support through this whole process! But since your prayers have moved every hurdle so far, I trust that you will continue to keep me in your prayers.
Learning Spanish would be a good request, since it is so hard to udnerstand the kids without the knowledge of the language.
As of now though, I am gonna head to bed. I am exhausted.
So again thank all of you and you are all in my prayers every night!
If you would like to contact me:
Facebook: Rebecca Jensen
I will be glad to hear from you! :)
God Bless from Mexico!


  1. Psalm 121

    I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains?
    No, my strength comes from God,
    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

    3-4 He won't let you stumble,
    your Guardian God won't fall asleep.
    Not on your life! Israel's
    Guardian will never doze or sleep.

    5-6 God's your Guardian,
    right at your side to protect you—
    Shielding you from sunstroke,
    sheltering you from moonstroke.

    7-8 God guards you from every evil,
    he guards your very life.
    He guards you when you leave and when you return,
    he guards you now, he guards you always.

    You're in my prayers Bec

  2. Just letting you know I read you blog, and will continue to check up so keep it coming! So thankful you have been taken such good care of so far, and I trust and pray that God's presence will continue to be felt in your life every moment of your stay and thereafter. Love you my sister.

  3. im so glad to hear that guy came back
    to the orhpanage! :D
    steve was telling us tonight that he ran
    away so its good to hear his back.

    thanks for putting up this blog bec,
    nice to hear how things are going down
    and i'll keep you in my prayers
    god bless, andrew

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    It was nice to read your blog,God Bless you as you start to settle in at the orphanage, you are constantly in our prayers.
    God continue to bless you.
    Colin and Margaret Ball
